Paying Now vs. Paying As You Go

What you pay out of your own pocket and when you pay depends on which coverage option you choose.

Original Medicare

With Original Medicare, you “pay as you go” by paying up to 20% co-insurance. If you need more extensive medical care, however, there is no limit on what you will have to pay out of your own pocket each year.

Medicare Supplement

For example, if you choose to add a Medicare supplement to Original Medicare, you are paying upfront through a monthly premium regardless of whether you see the Doctor or go into the hospital.

Medicare Advantage

Many Medicare Advantage plans offer $0 premium plans where you “pay as you go” through small copays or co-insurance amounts and only pay for the care you use. The most important thing to note about a Medicare Advantage plan is that, unlike Original Medicare, it also offers an added layer of protection by limiting the amount you pay out of pocket each year for covered medical services each year. That way, you are covered throughout the year and protected should a serious illness or injury occur.

Out-of-pocket Costs
No Limit
Part D Premium
Part B Premium
Supplement Premium
Part D Premium
Part B Premium
Maxium Out-of-Pocket Protection
Part B Premium
Limits the amount you have to pay
Small copayments or co-insurance as you go
Limits the amount you have to pay
Small copayments or co-insurance as you go
Option 1:
Original Medicare
plus Part D
Option 2:
plus Part D
Option 3:
Medicare Advantage
$0 Premium

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